There's no need to stick to the smaller lots available if you don't want to you can just as easily turn the biggest lot in the game into a Tiny Home Residential. While Tiny Home Residential lots are restricted in terms of indoor space, you can have as much outdoor space on the lot as you like. Enter the lot you wish to convert in Build Mode, click the 'Lot Info Panel' in the upper left hand corner of the screen (the icon looks like a house with a lower-case letter 'i' inside of it), and select 'Tiny Home Residential' from the drop-down menu.

There are no pre-made lots assigned as Tiny Home Residential in The Sims 4, but you can convert any existing lot into one. That's 100 total, including all tiles across multiple floors if the house has more than one storey.

Tiny Home Residential lots are the new lot type introduced with the Tiny Living Stuff Pack, and carry with them one major additional requirement: they are restricted to a maximum 100 tiles of living space. In The Sims 4, Residential lots have been pretty much unrestricted until now - unlike their Community counterparts, which have literally dozens of specialised variations - so whether you were making a lean-to shack or a mega mansion, you were building on the same lot type. How big is a Tiny Home Residential Lot in The Sims 4: Tiny Living and how do they work?
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